Open products in new page or new window Since the 2021 layout update, products are loaded directly into the product lists. This has the advantage of faster loading times (no need to load a new page each time) and ease of use (the customer does not have to return to the product list each time). It can be undone if desired. This is the code to open a product in a separate window: There are 2 options: open the product in the same window (as the code is now) or in a new window. A new window can cause problems because many web browsers block pop-ups (new windows). To modify it, add comments (double slash: //) before the first code (location.href) and remove the comments before the second code ( To insert HTML, Javascript and/or CSS code in the website footer: 1. Navigate to Management > CMS and scroll down to Layout - Footer and click the Edit icon 2. In the text editor, click the Insert icon (the icon with square boxes) at the top right 3. Click on Edit HTML The text editor now switches to HTML editing. If code is pasted here, the code will not go through the CMS HTML sanitizer. There is a risk that the code will mess up the web page, but it gives more freedom to insert code yourself. The code that you insert here will be executed on all pages of your website. If your webshop is multilingual, the code needs to be inserted for each language individually. If you use product variations, make sure the variations are set to List (not Drop down menu) at Settings > Webshop settings.